Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene is an indispensable part of food safety and a decisive success factor in the food industry. The ITEC brand is a leader in the field of personnel hygiene and is internationally recognized for its efficient and high-quality solutions.

Full list of categories and products

Hand Cleaning and Disinfection

Personnel Hygiene

Hand Cleaning Basins

ITEC provides you with an extensive variety of hand cleaning basins. The hand cleaning basins are operated with non-contact systems or knee valves.

Personnel Hygiene

Hand Cleaning Troughs

The ITEC hand cleaning troughs permit best hand hygiene for numerous persons at the same time, essential for smooth operations in medium-sized and large companies.

Personnel Hygiene

Soap & Disinfectant Dispensers

ITEC soap and disinfectant dispensers are suitable for liquids, soaps and gels.

Personnel Hygiene

Hand drying units

Hand drying is essential for optimal germ reduction after cleaning. ITEC hand dryers ensure hygienic drying.

Personnel Hygiene

Hand Cleaning & Disinfection Systems

ITEC hand cleaning and disinfection control systems guarantee controlled access to sensitive areas.

Sole and Boot Cleaning

Personnel Hygiene

Sole Cleaners

ITEC Sole cleaners are designed for industrial companies as well as for small and medium sized companies. They properly clean and disinfect soles and sole edges.

Personnel Hygiene

Boots Cleaners

ITEC boot cleaners are designed for industry as well as for small and medium sized companies. They ensure a quick and ergonomic cleaning and disinfection of soles and bootlegs.

Personnel Hygiene

Sole Cleaning with Hand Disinfection

ITEC hygiene stations combine sole cleaning and hand disinfection and thus enable perfect fast track personnel hygiene.

Personnel Hygiene

Sole Cleaning with Hand Cleaning & Disinfection

ITEC hygiene stations combine sole cleaning with controlled hand cleaning and disinfection and thus enable perfect fast track personnel hygiene and controlled access.

Knife Holder Cleaning & Sterilization Systems

Personnel Hygiene

Knife Holders

ITEC knife holders are the perfect solution for hygienic and safe storage of knives, sharpening steels and gloves at the workplace and in the designated hygienic areas after work.

Personnel Hygiene

Knife Holder Sterilization

Sterilization of knife holders are essential hygienic measures in the meat-processing industry and of fundamental importance for smooth business operations and industrial hygiene.

Personnel Hygiene

Knife Sterilization & Disinfection

In the meat industry the sterilization and disinfection of knives is very important for the quality control in the production process. The ITEC program offers work-related or central sterilization and disinfection systems.

Personnel Hygiene

Knife Holder Storage

After cleaning and disinfection, an essential part of the ITEC knife holder systems, is the safe and hygienic storage and transport of knife holders.

Cleaning Systems for Aprons and Safety Gloves

Personnel Hygiene


ITEC provides you with professional solutions for cleaning aprons. The cleaning machines for aprons ensure highest hygiene standards.

Personnel Hygiene

Safety Gloves

ITEC provides you with professional solutions for cleaning safety gloves. These ensure highest hygiene standards.

Staff Room Equipment

Personnel Hygiene

Lockers & Benches

In hygiene-sensitive industries a strict separation of street clothes and clean work clothes is mandatory. ITEC offers a wide range of high quality stainless steel wardrobes and also matching benches.

Personnel Hygiene

Dispensers for Hair-nets & other disposable Articles

ITEC hygiene article dispensers are made of stainless steel and guarantee hygienically perfect storage and dispensing of disposable articles.

Personnel Hygiene

Storage of Boots, Aprons, etc.

ITEC offers a variety of hygienic storage solutions for boots, aprons, helmets and other work equipment.
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ITEC – who we are

ITEC is a strong brand from the Frontmatec Group for innovative hygiene equipment and systems. The brand includes modular cleaning and disinfecting solutions and extends through to rigorous control systems and complete hygiene sluices. In food hygiene, ITEC products range from knife and apron cleaning units through to chemical-free surface cleansing using UVC tunnel systems.

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